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목록📘Python (32)

복습을 하자 #make to turtle shape import turtle t =turtle.Turtle() t.shape("turtle") t.up() #ready to drawing #new turtle position t.goto(-200,-50)#get drawing t.down() t.circle(20) #make a fist Circle #make a line t.forward(100) t.right(-90) #turn to turtle t.forward(100) t.right(90) #turn to turtle t.forward(100) t.right(90) #turn to turtle t.forward(100) t.right(-90) #turn to turtle t.forward(100)..

#과제 제출 할 때 꼭 주석 처리하기. 터틀 그래픽 활용 터틀 그래픽을 통해서 다양한 도형들을 만들어 보자. import turle import turtle t =turtle.Turtle() t.shape("turtle") 우리가 터틀 그래픽을 사용하려면 위의 코드를 기본적으로 사용해야한다. shape()에는 다양한 모양이 존재한다. 아래 표를 살펴보자. t.forward(), right(), left() import turtle t =turtle.Turtle() t.shape("turtle") t.right(90) t.forward(100) t.right(90) t.forward(100) t.right(90) t.forward(100) t.right(90) t.forward(100) forward()는..

변수 : 형변환 x = "3" print(int(x)) y = "3.0" print(float(y)) x = 10 print(str(x)) y = 10.0 print(str(y)) a = 100 b = 200 c = "300" d = "400" print(a + b) #300 print(float(a + b)) #300.0 print(b + int(c)) #500 print(str(b) + c) #200300 print(c + d) #300400 input name = input("input your name is ") print("my name is " + name) color = input("my favorit color is ") print("my favorit color is " + color) ..

test import turtle package import turtle t = turtle.Turtle() t.color("blue") t.goto(100,50) t.circle(50) print to variable #variable print a = "Python" b = 10 print(a) print(b) data type #data type print("data type") print(7+7) print('7'+"7") #str -> array print("\nstr -> array") msg = "Hello Python" print(msg[0]) print(msg[6:8]) print(msg[11]) #n print(msg[-1]) #n print(msg[2:5]) #llo [Python t..

클래스 : https://hi-code.tistory.com/123 모듈 : https://hi-code.tistory.com/124 패키지 : https://hi-code.tistory.com/125 예외 처리 : https://hi-code.tistory.com/126 내장 함수 : https://hi-code.tistory.com/127 표준 라이브러리 : https://hi-code.tistory.com/128 외부 라이브러리 :https://hi-code.tistory.com/129 Title Code Console datetime.date import datetime day1 = datetime.date(2021,12,14) day2 = datetime.date(2023,4,5) print(d..

클래스 : https://hi-code.tistory.com/123 모듈 : https://hi-code.tistory.com/124 패키지 : https://hi-code.tistory.com/125 예외 처리 : https://hi-code.tistory.com/126 내장 함수 : https://hi-code.tistory.com/127 표준 라이브러리 : https://hi-code.tistory.com/128 외부 라이브러리 :https://hi-code.tistory.com/129 Title Code Console abs # 절댓값을 리턴 a = abs(3) print(a) a = abs(-3) print(a) abs(-1.2) print(a) 3 3 3 all a = all([1, 2, 3]..

클래스 : https://hi-code.tistory.com/123 모듈 : https://hi-code.tistory.com/124 패키지 : https://hi-code.tistory.com/125 예외 처리 : https://hi-code.tistory.com/126 내장 함수 : https://hi-code.tistory.com/127 표준 라이브러리 : https://hi-code.tistory.com/128 외부 라이브러리 :https://hi-code.tistory.com/129 Title Code Console try-expect try: 4 / 0 except ZeroDivisionError as e: print(e) division by zero try-finally try: f = o..